By the Corporate Social Responsibility section, Aseprofar supports the Fight Against Counterfeit Drugs Association.
With over 30 years in the market, Aseprofar has worked in the design of new drugs for major pharmaceutical laboratories in the market. Aseprofar specializes in the Design of New Drugs and Pharmaceutical Development Dossiers.
Fight Against Counterfeit Drugs Association represents the vision and philosophy of Aseprofar to improve the lives of citizens. Our message is the result of Aseprofar´s commitment with the community in constant pursuit of excellence.
What medications do we bring to our families?
Our labour in this matter is part of our effort to give back to society by educating and caring our citizens. Fight Against Counterfeit Drugs Association gives Aseprofar the foundations to achieve improvements in research and developemnt of new medicines and drugs so the major laboratories can offer product excellence to the familys of our citizenship.
We decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and cleaner enviroment by caring for our people and warning them about the drugs that they consumed every day.
Posted by
10:17 AM
Corporate Social Responsibility,
Fight Against Counterfeit Drugs Association
U.N. Agencies Aim to Reduce Diarrhea Death Toll
Each year, diarrhea kills 1.5 million children under the age of 5, even though there are inexpensive and effective treatments available for this common health problem, say UN agencies.
Only about 39 percent of children with diarrhea in developing countries receive the recommended treatment, said Ann Veneman, executive director of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), Agence France-Presse reported.
Contaminated water and infections are the main causes of diarrhea, which accounts for close to 18 percent of all deaths among children under 5, according to Olivier Fontaine, the World Health Organization's children's health expert.
The two agencies have launched a new campaign to reduce diarrhea's death toll. The seven-point plan to prevent and treat diarrhea includes promotion of hand washing with soap, promotion of early breastfeeding, replacing body fluids to prevent dehydration, and zinc treatment, AFP reported.
Simply washing hands with soap can reduce the incidence of diarrhea by more than 40 percent, according to UNICEF.
What Is Diarrhea?
Doctors usually define diarrhea as a significant increase in the total weight of stool passed in a single day. Most people, however, think of diarrhea as an illness during which they have more frequent, loose, watery stools.
What Causes Diarrhea?
Many different things can cause diarrhea. Here are the major causes:
You are most likely to come down with diarrhea after coming into contact with these infectious organisms and agents:
- A virus, such as rotavirus, Norwalk agent, enterovirus, or a hepatitis virus
- A bacterium, such as E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Clostridum, Vibrio cholerae
- A parasite, such as those that cause giardiasis and amebiasis
The most common cause of diarrhea is a mild viral infection that resolves on its own within a few days, usually known as the "stomach flu". Two other common causes of diarrhea is from food poisoning and traveler's diarrhea. They occur from eating food or drinking water contaminated with organisms like bacteria and parasites.
In this matter, Aseprofar has develop a Digestive Line of products in wich there is a work of our professionals to elaborate a medicine that can reduce diarrhea.
In this matter, Aseprofar has develop a Digestive Line of products in wich there is a work of our professionals to elaborate a medicine that can reduce diarrhea.
We have developed numerous medications throughout our years in the market, among them antidiarrheal medicines. The drug used to treat diarrhea is the Loperamide hydrochloride. This drug slows the movement of the muscles in the small intestine to allow more water to be taken out of the feces (waste matter) and more nutrients to be absorbed.
When diarrhea is present, recommended over the counter irritable bowel syndrome remedies may include an anti-diarrhea product. In Aseprofar we have develop a fast acting anti-diarrhea tablet based on Loperamide hydrochloride.
To become aware of the consequences of the danger posed by counterfeit medicines, ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory launches a Promotional Video.
Looking this way and through the significants applications of the Social Media, we want to make people aware of the implications of fake drug utilization.
ASEPROFAR starts a campaign to Fight against Counterfeit Medicines! Our motto is "Real medicines for Life" demonstrating our ongoing search of professional development and professionalism in our research work as designers and developers of new drugs and true pharmaceutical dossiers that work for real.
English Version
Versión en Español
Posted by
1:13 PM
"pharmaceuticals products",
counterfeit medicines,
danger of fake drugs,
pharmaceutical drugs
Tips to keep in mind for making decisions.
I am writing in order to add some evidence in this moment of crisis in public health with counterfeit drugs:
1 - The political campaign hide perhaps the reality of the public health crisis and were funded by checks from drugstore that provided to social secure healthcare and government with counterfeit medicines.
2 - The political campaign is over but the inability to protect our lives continues.
3 - It should be consider a proposal that meets the State's duty to ensure public health, to call officials under subpoena to discuss their actions and avoid making new mistakes.
1- Form quickly a "Advisory Council on Health Policy, Parapharmacology and Pharmacovigilance.
2- Facing a state of extreme internal upheaval in public health should foresee the state of emergency, mobilization of security forces to help the public health, build campaign hospitals, bringing supplies to high-risk areas, decentralizing health services and transport seriously ill.
3 - Redesign of a new system of traceability of medicines and develop a private system of pharmacovigilance and parapharmacology with auditing firms of national and international reputation to recover the public peace.
4 - Revaluation and design of the new forces that defend human health, the health care of citizens.
5 - Creation of a police and justice powers for health research with governments enshrined as infamous traitors to the nation who profit from the health of the inhabitants of our country.
Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche
We have opened our own channel of communication in Twitter. In ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory we continue with the aim of generating movement and approach to new technologies. Web 2.0 is open to all companies a new world that is exciting to explore.
That´s why in the search for new business opportunities and partnerships to offer our products and services in different markets, ASEPROFAR has incorporated tools that may allow direct access to other laboratories worldwide.
Also we are at a stage to connect successful professionals in the pharmaceutical industry to generate business relationships by providing a link of respect and achieve projected new business in the future.
The use of Twitter is part of ASEPROFAR´s communication strategy to build a powerful network of contacts. We connect with professionals to make business, so if you are in the pharma market maybe you´ll be interested in offer our products and services in your country or region by presenting our portfolio.
Also we are at a stage to connect successful professionals in the pharmaceutical industry to generate business relationships by providing a link of respect and achieve projected new business in the future.
The use of Twitter is part of ASEPROFAR´s communication strategy to build a powerful network of contacts. We connect with professionals to make business, so if you are in the pharma market maybe you´ll be interested in offer our products and services in your country or region by presenting our portfolio.
ASEPROFAR´s products and services reached the following countries:Argentina - Bolivia - Brasil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Cuba - Germany - Italy - Spain - Mexico - Peru - Rusia - Ukraine - United States - Uruguay - Venezuela
Contact Us!
Posted by
12:33 PM
"design of new medicines",
"pharmaceutical dossiers",
"pharmaceutical ingredients",
I am writing in order to add some knowledge to action already taken against the so-called swine flu. H1 N1 virus of swine influenza is a combination mean of strains of poultry, pig and human. Today is a disease of humans that preferentially attacks the young and it is transmitted by air through particles of saliva. The virus mutates and it is not stable. If it if stabilizes can be obtained more quickly the vaccine. One complication is the virus that causes pneumonia.
Do not forget their origin "swine flu", because since the name was changed as it is called, it could blur the path to the solution. The inability of politicians in health and prevention its what is killing citizens. That´s why it is important to consider bioethics to be related to the ecology and quality of life. Bioethical principles are those that guide good scientific practices, good health practices and parameters relating to quality of life, facilitate the implementation and development of application specific criteria as well as action protocols.
The first measure to be taken is prevention. I always work with a word "VAPAMA" (VALENTÍA, PREVENCIÓN Y AMOROSO ACOMPAÑAMIENTO), that means COURAGE, PREVENTION AND LOVING SUPPORT. Therefore will have the courage to face the seriousness of the current disease situation and the political failure of treatment. PREVENTION shall indicate to avoid contagion increasingly growing (related ill-dead) and then a LOVING SUPPORT the patient and his family. PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD These are some of the minimum measures to be taken into account:
The first measure to be taken is prevention. I always work with a word "VAPAMA" (VALENTÍA, PREVENCIÓN Y AMOROSO ACOMPAÑAMIENTO), that means COURAGE, PREVENTION AND LOVING SUPPORT. Therefore will have the courage to face the seriousness of the current disease situation and the political failure of treatment. PREVENTION shall indicate to avoid contagion increasingly growing (related ill-dead) and then a LOVING SUPPORT the patient and his family. PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD These are some of the minimum measures to be taken into account:
1 - Cleanliness in hospitals. They should not have papers or posters on the walls of corridors and/or ceilings. They should be cleaned with disinfectant twice a day, walls and floors of all areas of the hospital keeping the floors waxed.
2 - Clothing of the hospital staff. Trousers and white jacket and apron closed above, which has to be change every time you enter an area where there are sick with flu. The use of wool sweater or jackets of any kind above the apron must be prohibited, being the lint from wool yarn highly virus carriers. The shoes will be covered with a protection when entering an area of patients and should be discarded upon leaving the area.
3 - Air conditioner. If the air is centralized, UV light tubes should be placed to disinfect the air. The same must be placed on the roofs of the corridors and areas with sick since the areas should be kept aseptic by making a microbiological control three times per day with plates to see if there is real pollution.
4 - Areas of attention. It must divide areas within the hospital holding an entrance area just for people containing influenza, another door for people who have other diseases, and a third door for personnel entry.
5 - AIDS patients. There must be a specific area for these patients with impaired defenses who are the people most needed of protection by being the most exposed to the virus of swine influenza and other diseases.
6 - Admission to hospital of patients with flu symptoms. The patients will enter the area designated for them with chinstrap and disposable aprons.
7 - Schools. It is appropriate for children to attend classes because it is the best way to be monitored. The schools should form a team of cleaning and disinfection for every educational institutes, similar to what is indicated at the point of Hospitals. Also must be placed ultraviolet lights in every classroom and hallway, that will be switch-on overnight so the childrens may enter to an aseptic area at the next day. The bathrooms must have solid antibacterial soap or antibacterial liquid soap.
8 - Places of recreation. All dancing clubs must be closed for 60 days.
9 - Subways. Avoid any business in the subways. This spaces must remain clean, with air entering through ultraviolet light, and should be cleaned with the same elements described in hospitals.
10 - Outdoor activities. They can be maintained with any problem.
11 - Foods. Control pigs and derivatives. From the foregoing it is important to emphasize that the inability of our politicians to address this issue can kill our citizens.
1 - In Argentina, while politicians were campaigning, hid the reality of the swine flu.
2 - Political campaigns end but the inability to protect our lives continues.
3 - It should consider a proposal that meets the national emergency law, adduce officials to discuss their actions and avoid making new mistakes.
7 - Schools. It is appropriate for children to attend classes because it is the best way to be monitored. The schools should form a team of cleaning and disinfection for every educational institutes, similar to what is indicated at the point of Hospitals. Also must be placed ultraviolet lights in every classroom and hallway, that will be switch-on overnight so the childrens may enter to an aseptic area at the next day. The bathrooms must have solid antibacterial soap or antibacterial liquid soap.
8 - Places of recreation. All dancing clubs must be closed for 60 days.
9 - Subways. Avoid any business in the subways. This spaces must remain clean, with air entering through ultraviolet light, and should be cleaned with the same elements described in hospitals.
10 - Outdoor activities. They can be maintained with any problem.
11 - Foods. Control pigs and derivatives. From the foregoing it is important to emphasize that the inability of our politicians to address this issue can kill our citizens.
1 - In Argentina, while politicians were campaigning, hid the reality of the swine flu.
2 - Political campaigns end but the inability to protect our lives continues.
3 - It should consider a proposal that meets the national emergency law, adduce officials to discuss their actions and avoid making new mistakes.
4 - Assemble quickly an "ADVISORY COUNCIL ON HEALTH POLICY".
5 - Facing a state of extreme internal upheaval in public health should foresee the state of emergency, mobilization of security forces to help the public health, build campaign hospitals, bringing supplies to high-risk areas, decentralizing health services and transport seriously ill.
I hope these comments and/or suggestions can be added to measures already in place.
Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche
In Aseprofar we offer our clients a portfolio with a wide range of products developed by our team of professionals. Our dedication in the selection of drugs for pharmaceutical ingredients and product development allows us to offer the best service.
The vast expertise gained over 30 years had placed us as unique in the market because we are experts in bringing up to the client a pack of solutions that includes:
- Pharmaceutical dossiers to choice.
- Development of pharmaceutical products on request.
- Registration of pharmaceutical products to health authority.
- Teaming with our clients to achieve the best result and realize their goals.
- Personalized service throughout the various instances to be carried until reaching the objective.
- Personalized service in any requirement to ask the authority until their approval at no charge.
- Analysis of 1º batch of pilot scale manufacturing without charge.
- Analysis of 1º batch industrial scale without charge.
- Personalized service to the laboratory’s professionals in any query until two years after manufacture of 1º lot industrial scale.
View more presentations from Aseprofar Pharmaceutical Laboratory.
Posted by
9:35 AM
"medical products",
"pharmaceutical dossiers",
"pharmaceutical ingredients",
"pharmaceuticals products"
Pharmaceutical Laboratory
- Aráoz Street 2174 (Postcode C1425DGF), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- (54 11) 4832-3334
You can also contact us through the following areas:
Linkedin Contact: aseprofarpharmaceuticallab
Our Web Site:
Skype Connection / User: amme_aseprofar
Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche its an self-made professional in her country, Argentina, where she had the opportunity to succeed, not only financially, but in her performance for exercising the pharmacist profession as she has dreamed.
Furthermore it continues to transmit her knowledge to new generations of professionals from different disciplines.
Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche received from Pharmaceuticals in 1969 at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She worked in different areas of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in the UBA. After her degree she worked for private pharmacies and dispensers union.
Professional Career
Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche began in the pharmaceutical industry in 1966 in various tasks: cleaning glass material, labor analyst, head of quality control, Production Supervisor, Production Manager, Development, Technical Co-Director and Technical Director.
In 1977 she creates ASEPROFAR, a professional pharmaceutical firm that provides services to laboratories in Argentina and abroad. Since 1986, ASEPROFAR becomes the Prime Center of Medicines becoming a reference point for the Latin American market. The professionalism developed in ASEPROFAR allowed this pharmaceutical laboratory to make global contacts and gain new customers in America and Europe.
In the same year Dr. Molinari Espeche went to Spain to form a company with similar characteristics. Also at 1986, ASEPROFAR began operating a Professional System Audit for Specialty Medicinal and Cosmetic Laboratories in Argentina and abroad. From that moment ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory was devoted in addition to personnel selection and professional training according to international standards.
In 1991, driven by a series of Business Update Seminars (among them Tom Peters, Peter Drucker and Lee Iacocca), Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche decided to transform ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory by creating new areas and putting the company in line with international requirements.
In 2000, ASEPROFAR started his road to certification by Bureau Veritas, a recognized independent certification body that provides a full range of certification and auditing services. Aiming to validate the compliance of the systems and processes in ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory, the company began to work under recognized standards in the fields of Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
At present, ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory works for clients across Latin America and Europe.
2004 - Distinguished by the Work Pro Humanity World Solidarity (OMHS) with “Universal Academic Star” and promoted to Patrician of Solidarity Humanity in character of International Fellow of Meritocratic Nobility.
2004 - Nominated for The Bizz Award 2005 by the World Confederation of Businesses.
2003 - Candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize for I.D.E.A. (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), Stockholm, Sweden.
2003 - Appointed Ambassador for Peace by the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.
Furthermore it continues to transmit her knowledge to new generations of professionals from different disciplines.
Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche received from Pharmaceuticals in 1969 at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She worked in different areas of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in the UBA. After her degree she worked for private pharmacies and dispensers union.
Professional Career
Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche began in the pharmaceutical industry in 1966 in various tasks: cleaning glass material, labor analyst, head of quality control, Production Supervisor, Production Manager, Development, Technical Co-Director and Technical Director.
In 1977 she creates ASEPROFAR, a professional pharmaceutical firm that provides services to laboratories in Argentina and abroad. Since 1986, ASEPROFAR becomes the Prime Center of Medicines becoming a reference point for the Latin American market. The professionalism developed in ASEPROFAR allowed this pharmaceutical laboratory to make global contacts and gain new customers in America and Europe.
In the same year Dr. Molinari Espeche went to Spain to form a company with similar characteristics. Also at 1986, ASEPROFAR began operating a Professional System Audit for Specialty Medicinal and Cosmetic Laboratories in Argentina and abroad. From that moment ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory was devoted in addition to personnel selection and professional training according to international standards.
In 1991, driven by a series of Business Update Seminars (among them Tom Peters, Peter Drucker and Lee Iacocca), Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche decided to transform ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory by creating new areas and putting the company in line with international requirements.
In 2000, ASEPROFAR started his road to certification by Bureau Veritas, a recognized independent certification body that provides a full range of certification and auditing services. Aiming to validate the compliance of the systems and processes in ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory, the company began to work under recognized standards in the fields of Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
At present, ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory works for clients across Latin America and Europe.
2004 - Distinguished by the Work Pro Humanity World Solidarity (OMHS) with “Universal Academic Star” and promoted to Patrician of Solidarity Humanity in character of International Fellow of Meritocratic Nobility.
2004 - Nominated for The Bizz Award 2005 by the World Confederation of Businesses.
2003 - Candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize for I.D.E.A. (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), Stockholm, Sweden.
2003 - Appointed Ambassador for Peace by the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.
ASEPROFAR works on four important columns:
1- Investigation
Updating and levelling of dossier of medical specialities to be sold. Record of medical specialities in Argentina and in the world.
ASEPROFAR owns a MONOGRAPH LIBRARY for the registry in different parts of the world with more than 3700 single or associated drugs.
Production of dossier to be registered in the whole world, respecting the requirements of every country.
2- Technical and Pharmaceutical Audits - Manager Time
This service is aimed to the achievement of business and professional goals.
3- Passport to Excellence - ISO 9000
It refers evaluation, comparison and delivery of technical support for the quick adaptation and production of the 00 manuals of ISO 9000.
4- Training and Comparison
Training and Comparison is performed through the scientific - business - cultural interactive Seminaries "The Rubies".
1- Investigation
Updating and levelling of dossier of medical specialities to be sold. Record of medical specialities in Argentina and in the world.
ASEPROFAR owns a MONOGRAPH LIBRARY for the registry in different parts of the world with more than 3700 single or associated drugs.
Production of dossier to be registered in the whole world, respecting the requirements of every country.
2- Technical and Pharmaceutical Audits - Manager Time
This service is aimed to the achievement of business and professional goals.
3- Passport to Excellence - ISO 9000
It refers evaluation, comparison and delivery of technical support for the quick adaptation and production of the 00 manuals of ISO 9000.
4- Training and Comparison
Training and Comparison is performed through the scientific - business - cultural interactive Seminaries "The Rubies".
For read the details click on the picture image:
Posted by
8:31 PM
"medical products",
"pharmaceutical dossiers",
"pharmaceutical ingredients",
"pharmaceuticals products"
Our company has been working in the argentine and international market for more than 30 years. We sell knowledge by means of an intelligent and highly organised and trained organisation. As well as many international companies tha sell knowledge, our major task is the selection and training of people where the intelligent management of time and space, as well as a great vocation for service is mainly observed.
We have a great team of professionals with long experience in the pharmaceutical industry that comply with high international measures of pharmaceutical development. Providing technical support, consultancy, and the most complete and reliable information, our job is to bring you the know-how of pharmaceutical formulations to support laboratories around the world. For this reason the most prestigious and recognized laboratories in the world trust in our work. Not only the history and years in the market can speak of a firm like ours, but so do the clients who supported us in reliance on the work being carried out.
In 1977 Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche created ASEPROFAR, a professional pharmaceutical firm that provides services to laboratories in Argentina and abroad.
Since 1986, ASEPROFAR becomes the Prime Center of Medicines becoming a reference point for the Latin American market. The professionalism developed in ASEPROFAR allowed this pharmaceutical laboratory to make global contacts and gain new customers in America and Europe.
At 1986, ASEPROFAR began operating a Professional System Audit for Specialty Medicinal and Cosmetic Laboratories in Argentina and abroad. From that moment ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory was devoted in addition to personnel selection and professional training according to international standards.
We have a great team of professionals with long experience in the pharmaceutical industry that comply with high international measures of pharmaceutical development. Providing technical support, consultancy, and the most complete and reliable information, our job is to bring you the know-how of pharmaceutical formulations to support laboratories around the world. For this reason the most prestigious and recognized laboratories in the world trust in our work. Not only the history and years in the market can speak of a firm like ours, but so do the clients who supported us in reliance on the work being carried out.
We work together with the professionals of our clients producing true work teams, achieving excellence in a shorter time and with the joy of sharing knowledge and quality, making it available to those who need it and value it.
1- To be close to the businessmen, give them affection and collaborate in order to make their projects come true. Businessmen are the work creators, they must be protected and stimulated.
2- To be excellent, warm and respectful professionals, being solid in their deals.
3- To be models of other professionals, conveying excellence with quality, affection and joy.
4- To transform the working places into real communities.
5- That working places turn to be a second home, a place where it is a pleasure to spend most part of the day.
6- To transform the learning process into a new way of leisure.
7- That business, science and art will form a sole entity for the sake of everyone, always considering that the future is the intelligent management of time and space.
2- To be excellent, warm and respectful professionals, being solid in their deals.
3- To be models of other professionals, conveying excellence with quality, affection and joy.
4- To transform the working places into real communities.
5- That working places turn to be a second home, a place where it is a pleasure to spend most part of the day.
6- To transform the learning process into a new way of leisure.
7- That business, science and art will form a sole entity for the sake of everyone, always considering that the future is the intelligent management of time and space.
In 1977 Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche created ASEPROFAR, a professional pharmaceutical firm that provides services to laboratories in Argentina and abroad.
Since 1986, ASEPROFAR becomes the Prime Center of Medicines becoming a reference point for the Latin American market. The professionalism developed in ASEPROFAR allowed this pharmaceutical laboratory to make global contacts and gain new customers in America and Europe.
At 1986, ASEPROFAR began operating a Professional System Audit for Specialty Medicinal and Cosmetic Laboratories in Argentina and abroad. From that moment ASEPROFAR Pharmaceutical Laboratory was devoted in addition to personnel selection and professional training according to international standards.
Posted by
6:16 PM
"medical products",
"pharmaceutical dossiers",
"pharmaceutical ingredients",
"pharmaceuticals products"
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