I am writing in order to add some knowledge to action already taken against the so-called swine flu. H1 N1 virus of swine influenza is a combination mean of strains of poultry, pig and human. Today is a disease of humans that preferentially attacks the young and it is transmitted by air through particles of saliva. The virus mutates and it is not stable. If it if stabilizes can be obtained more quickly the vaccine. One complication is the virus that causes pneumonia.

Do not forget their origin "swine flu", because since the name was changed as it is called, it could blur the path to the solution. The inability of politicians in health and prevention its what is killing citizens. That´s why it is important to consider bioethics to be related to the ecology and quality of life. Bioethical principles are those that guide good scientific practices, good health practices and parameters relating to quality of life, facilitate the implementation and development of application specific criteria as well as action protocols.

The first measure to be taken is prevention. I always work with a word "VAPAMA" (VALENTÍA, PREVENCIÓN Y AMOROSO ACOMPAÑAMIENTO), that means COURAGE, PREVENTION AND LOVING SUPPORT. Therefore will have the courage to face the seriousness of the current disease situation and the political failure of treatment. PREVENTION shall indicate to avoid contagion increasingly growing (related ill-dead) and then a LOVING SUPPORT the patient and his family. PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD These are some of the minimum measures to be taken into account:

1 - Cleanliness in hospitals. They should not have papers or posters on the walls of corridors and/or ceilings. They should be cleaned with disinfectant twice a day, walls and floors of all areas of the hospital keeping the floors waxed.

2 - Clothing of the hospital staff. Trousers and white jacket and apron closed above, which has to be change every time you enter an area where there are sick with flu. The use of wool sweater or jackets of any kind above the apron must be prohibited, being the lint from wool yarn highly virus carriers. The shoes will be covered with a protection when entering an area of patients and should be discarded upon leaving the area.

3 - Air conditioner. If the air is centralized, UV light tubes should be placed to disinfect the air. The same must be placed on the roofs of the corridors and areas with sick since the areas should be kept aseptic by making a microbiological control three times per day with plates to see if there is real pollution.

4 - Areas of attention. It must divide areas within the hospital holding an entrance area just for people containing influenza, another door for people who have other diseases, and a third door for personnel entry.

5 - AIDS patients. There must be a specific area for these patients with impaired defenses who are the people most needed of protection by being the most exposed to the virus of swine influenza and other diseases.

6 - Admission to hospital of patients with flu symptoms. The patients will enter the area designated for them with chinstrap and disposable aprons.

7 - Schools. It is appropriate for children to attend classes because it is the best way to be monitored. The schools should form a team of cleaning and disinfection for every educational institutes, similar to what is indicated at the point of Hospitals. Also must be placed ultraviolet lights in every classroom and hallway, that will be switch-on overnight so the childrens may enter to an aseptic area at the next day. The bathrooms must have solid antibacterial soap or antibacterial liquid soap.

8 - Places of recreation. All dancing clubs must be closed for 60 days.

9 - Subways. Avoid any business in the subways. This spaces must remain clean, with air entering through ultraviolet light, and should be cleaned with the same elements described in hospitals.

10 - Outdoor activities. They can be maintained with any problem.

11 - Foods. Control pigs and derivatives. From the foregoing it is important to emphasize that the inability of our politicians to address this issue can kill our citizens.

1 - In Argentina, while politicians were campaigning, hid the reality of the swine flu.

2 - Political campaigns end but the inability to protect our lives continues.

3 - It should consider a proposal that meets the national emergency law, adduce officials to discuss their actions and avoid making new mistakes.

4 - Assemble quickly an "ADVISORY COUNCIL ON HEALTH POLICY".

5 - Facing a state of extreme internal upheaval in public health should foresee the state of emergency, mobilization of security forces to help the public health, build campaign hospitals, bringing supplies to high-risk areas, decentralizing health services and transport seriously ill.
I hope these comments and/or suggestions can be added to measures already in place.

Dr. Ana María Molinari Espeche


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